Cherries – A Great Summer Fruit



This delicious and healthy stone fruit goes way back in time to pre-history. Cherries were cultivated well before the Greeks started writing about them and cherry pits were even found in pre-historic caves.

In this episode, we’ll cover many topics regarding mainly the sweet cherry, which is consumed in great quantities during their short season.

Bowl of Rainier cherries
  • Where did cherries originate?
  • How many varieties are there?
  • When are they available?
  • What health benefits do they possess?
  • How do I select and store them?
  • What is a maraschino cherry?
  • How are they picked?
  • Does size matter?

We’ll give you the rundown on cherries and provide some links so that you can dive deeper into their interesting stories.

Cherries on a tree

Additional Information & Links

If you want to see the differences in appearance of some of the more popular cherry cultivars, this Washington State University page may be of interest.

International Produce Training has some information on cherry sizing.

Make the most of your cherry season with these recipes from

If you’ve never seen a mechanical cherry harvester at work, here’s your chance!

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